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Travel and Transport


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Travel And Transport is an educational AUGMENTED REALITY game that teaches children how vehicles, machines and construction equipment operate during the optimal developmental period.
Accelerate learning & recall for life with 200+ educational games that cement knowledge into their subconscious mind.

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Experience Aurodo Travel & Transport

Next Question, child asks...
What does it do? What is the purpose of the vehicle or Machine?

So, lets go more deep in education. We introduce offine Learning with active Participation. Tap and touch the vehicles to move them and learn about purpose of each
Let's see what a dumper truck does!

Build Child's Confidence with phonetic Learning

Child Learn Spellings of Vehicles and Machines with phonetic alphabets. Sub-consciously the kids lean phoentics.
Let's dance with Alphabets!
Develop problem solving skills

70 jigsaw puzzles of all the vehicles and machines.

Most advanced jigsaw collection for your bright kids
Boost cognitive skills

with 70 surprize scratch quizzes, your child can have lot of fun while learning about identifying the correct name of the machine or vehicle
Scratch, Scratch!

What our Customers have to say

(21 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions


We started with a goal thinking how we can create an intuitive experience for kids so that learning about vehicles becomes fun and engaging. Upon research of months and guidance of experienced faculties, we found a way to help kids not only visualize the vehicles but also engage with them and learn about them.

Also, we created an ecosystem by including more than 200 activities in 2D and 3D so, that a child can learn about spellings of vehicles and machines and also practice them using scratch quiz.


Aurodo Travel and Transport helps kids experience and learn about vehicles is a way which was never possible before. The real visualization of vehicles in real environment helps kids not only become creative but also help them improve their imagination. Also, learning about the purpose of vehicles by interacting with them brings a 2 way response and this engages a child more to learn.
Also, in order to make learning strong, we included 65+ phonetic spelling quizzes, 70 jigsaw puzzles and 70 scratch quiz on these vehicles and machines.


The Aurodo Travel and Transport Learning game works on Android and iOS.

Compatible with


  • Ram 3GB & Above


  • iPhone 6 & above


  • iPad Air (All Models)
  • iPad Pro (All Models)
  • iPad 3rd Gen & Above
  • iPad Mini 2 & Above

Download Our App

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trigger Activity Scene
start Activity Scene
end Activity Scene
start AR Animation Slide
end AR Animation Slide
start Activity Animation Slide
end Activity Animation Slide
start Alphabet Animation
end Alphabet Animation
start Jigsaw Animation
end Jigsaw Animation
start Scratch Animation
end Scratch Animation
trigger AR Animation
start AR Animation
end AR Animation